Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Feminism vs Hedonism part 2

Since I am that esteemed member whom Meesum quoted, (though I cant help thinking that he doesn't quite believe it himself,, thereby all his efforts at distancing himself from the comment), I find it imperative for me to elaborate on what might earn me a Court martial sentence in today's world.

First of all, women who believe that feminism (and the practice and propagation thereof) has anything to do with their benefit, Let me assure you, from a different point of view that we males have the benefit of having, from which we can indeed see everything that you cant, that Feminism has nothing to do with empowerment of women. It IS verily an excuse by men to conveniently dub females and males to be same in all respects, all the better for us to follow our own hedonistically driven pursuits. Males and Females are BIOLOGICALLY different, and the feminist utopia in which all males are eliminated is thereby a biological impossibility.Of course, what women DO NOT realize more often than not, that they are so mentally oppressed that they cant see the obvious fact that this (and other such obnoxiously improabale ideas) are merely pipe dreams that men show them to take advantage of them. The fact that women support the feminist movement viciously shows that we live in an epoch of time where females are verily in a position of disadvantage, just like the "Black Empowerment" crap shows how far behind is Africa is today. And moreover, it draws them ever deeper into the cesspool of misery.

And therefore, women who jump up and down like over excited rabbits revelling in the dream that they are indeed superior than males often earn my pity and disgust, no offence to our most respect "Feminists" . I can understand males indulging in such things, but a woman has to be VERY weak to do such a thing. Look beyond. I often wonder , arent they realizing, that we live in a world in which their irresponsible "feminism" lenses out what they should see. They are , more than ever before, sexual playthings in a world of manupulation and deceit , And the "empowered " woman has less of a say than ever bofore. At the same time, whenever there are two groups that are equal, then one group will inevitably try to take advantage of the other. Men, who are fully aware of the fact that they are very much in the vantage point today, use this aforementioned argument to exploit women more than ever before.

But of course, no woman will agree with me. Thats the sad part. For them, god still exists, and still rules a feminist heaven. Sadly enough for them.


Meesum said...

what has has the so called liberalisation given west -- more rape cases and lesser clothes.
i agree that women are more economically independent-
but freedom comes at a cost.
and they are more exploited than ever..
and for the benefit of humanity its much more important that the next generation is nutured correctly.
and we should sacrifice our egos for the betterment of humanity.
women and men are special in their own ways.
its not that if a women works in a home and cares for nothing else apart from her children then she is oppressed.
apart from that i think the exposing women are a serious threat to intellectualism.

Swetank Gupta said...

I won't agree or disagree with you. Just one thing. Feminism is NOT a movement to eradicate all men. It's against the social system of patriarchy. Whether it's good or bad is a different issue, but it's not what you say it is.

Saby said...

hmm..too sensitive issue n i never really gave it a serious thought, so no comments

'~-)Sandman(-~' said...

I didnt say that its against men...
I said thats its against women...
and it actually is...
as meesum said...i think he gives better arguments that i do in his comments!!!