Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Meesum still hasnt fixed that exasperating li'l problem of there not being a title bar.

So here we are....its amazing that this place's not coated with dust. Oh I forgot...this is cyberspace..... you dont normally see the effects of neglect until you install a hits counter... another semester is over, and as the inactivity on this blog would indicate, it wasnt a happy one.
I often wonder why we are being punished for committing the crime of clearing JEE.
The crime, deplorable enough in its nature, doesnt deserve punishment as cruel as we are regularly meted out in the name of a holistic education(yeah...and all that insignificant shite that really doesnt and shouldnt make a difference)

Let me see.......If we started making lists of "10 things that I hate about IIT"...we would soon find the list far overflowing the originally stipulated quota of ten.
How do you pick out the worst out of a pile of shit?
Shit is Shit, no matter what the doctors tell you.

Let me see.....Profs appearing out of the blue to inform us (after keeping a laboratory closed for two weeks) that we are scheduled to be finishing all experiments within the next two lab turns??
Or the aforementioned Prof forcing us to waste premium time (a week before the end semester examination ) in order that we can attent his screwball project presentations?

Or having five examinations in five days, when there are eight allotted examination days??
If we could kill without the fear of inevitable admonishment, then we'd have taken out a Prof a day.
But alas, talking of killing is ludicruous....for people who have no rights...
We are marginally better off than those mongrels people kick into gutters. No fucking freedom to do anything..
We live in times that superficially give us all these means and modes of expressing and manifesting our so called freedom. They say Humankind is nearing its Nirvana . they say that we live in an age of increased awareness, of compassion, of brotherhood and all that kind of shite

Somehow, you know, it all rings as hollow as a plastic bottle, when we are listening to a prof telling us that we dont have the required scientific temparament, when that prof is an arsehole who is least bothered about taking his classes, and filling in the so called gaps in our scientific temparament if and where he percieves them.

Or some guy telling us that we are designed to handle pressure, being in IIT, the pressure being of the most curious nature, in as much as he was referring to our end semester schedule change plea.... We were originally scheduled to be having the examinations spread over 8 days, with plenty of time for everything.

The way it turned out, I dont think any of us had any idea how we managed to write the examinations

If we had the slightest temparamental defect or mental infirmity, we would have jumped from the sixth floor of fb at least 20 times during our stay in IIT. We havent done so...They can safely send us to Indo Pak Border...

At least killing is not illegal down there

1 comment:

Meesum said...

thank god its over