Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Non-Linear Wisdom

Somehow this blog doesn't allow me to have a title, still, here its goes:

When Meesum first made this blog and named it "non-linear wisdom", I had no idea what to expect. Well, and here I am, writing the first meaningful post of this blog, explaining what it means. First of all, what is "linear wisdom"? I think it's very clear that linear wisdom is normal wisdom. The kind of wisdom that most of us have. The power to observe things and deliberate upon ideas. So, what is non-linear wisdom? Someone who can debate upon a thing with himself, view a situation from different viewpoints - he seems to be pretty close to having a non-linear wisdom. But can a three-dimensional being imagine a four-dimensional object? No. At most, he can imagine the shadow that four-dimensional object would cast on a three-dimensional space. So whats the best way to imagine a four-dimensional object? By being a four-dimensional creature! So, to actually view a situation from different viewpoints, the best method is not to imagine ourselves in different positions, but to have people who are actually in different positions comment on the same thing at the same time.

Thats what we are trying to do here at nonlinear wisdom.


Meesum said...

what a worthy start... :)

'~-)Sandman(-~' said...

ah...intersting ideas...
what u are saying reeks of that
creed song---
"can u take me higher
to a place where blind man sees
to a place with golden streets"

I suggets LSD ;)

ps:dont u DARE delete this comment