Tuesday, August 01, 2006

When the aforementioned beaver vainshed into a promiscuous back-alley, the assassin was left stranded, pondering the nature of knowledge

As with chachi, there seems to be a title bar absent. Now as for the "non-linear" wisdom, I've hardly seen any wisdom thats linear in nature. Information may be as straight as a candle (!) but wisdom just dont come that way. The guy who's created these has much to say on this subject. I remember this discussion about 3 months back when meesum,porny,dabholkar and I were in the great one's room and someone commented on how its such a pain in the ass to read a textbook chapter by chapter (that this sparked of a really long discussion and eventually led to a fokat mein treat is a matter of the past). To be concise, accumalation of info is quite linear, but its not exactly wisdom/knowledge. Wisdom is inherently non-linear...radial with multiple junctions is probably a good approximation.

But even non-linear stuff how much ever jagged and fractal-like it may be is continuous. And it seems that proceeding purely by logic can only get you to some lower peak. A rather obscure book by Heinz Pagels called the Cosmic Code gives a rather sketchy lil' diagram of something Einstein had commented upon in his latter days. It seems to deal with analysing observations and know facts to arrive at some level of understanding...but the ultimate conclusion is reached from this point by an 'intuitive leap'. Im talking about stuff I dont understand a bit of and have this bad tendency of hooking up rather unrelated stuff together but here goes...Theres also this book by Douglas Hofsdater (now this is one helluva book...its got lotsa Lewis Carrollish stories that makes for fun reading but whats ironic is that the non-humourous parts are just plain one millions tonnes of stone block on the brain). All I managed with my feeble intellect was to get through what seemed like 10% of the book. But the superbly written intro gives a decent idea of what he aims at. He tries to use the Godel theorem to create a model for the working of the mind...and although i know nothing more of the godel theorem than two pages worth of summary, it seems to conform well with the intuitive leap business. Also seemingly connected to these are the zen koan thingies. This book explores such in great detail...as usual, I havent finished, getting only about the halfway mark :(

@chachi : And as for the 4D business...saale poore chuttiyon mein Gamow rakha tha, usme shadow waala funda nahin dekha kya ? Of course we cant perceive a 4D object every night while brushing but his method does seem quite elegant.

To wind up this rant on stuff I hardly know two pence worth about, this quote courtesy Hofsdater : What is a self, and how can a self come out of stuff that is as selfless as a stone or a puddle?

The above mindless garble generated by :

Kreid Mirgerov
Blademeister of the Fenrir Lodge
Oberlieutenant - Quadragon Seven
Imperial Guard of the Vergi Empire


'~-)Sandman(-~' said...

hmm...u say such ahelluva lotta things that i wont comment on all of them.
But the intuitive leap reeks of avery similar funda in language acquisition. that the cognitive faculties of humans seem to be such a lot more advanced than our nearest relatives that there seems to be an unbridagble gap, almost a discontinuity.
maybe it is this leap that aids this intuitive leap

Saby said...

@sunil@me keeping gamow :- abey yeh fourdimensional wala cheez udhar hi toh diya hua tha..

Saby said...

hmm..and as far as linearity of wisdom is concerned, i think an individual acts/thinks in pretty much the same way throughout his life, but two individuals may or may not think in the same way..thats what I meant by non-linearity

Saby said...

pro·mis·cu·ous (prə-mĭs'kyū-əs) pronunciation

Having casual sexual relations frequently with different partners; indiscriminate in the choice of sexual partners.

a promiscuous back-alley???? could the author explain what it is ? :O